AEPHI, Pi Chi Chapter
Many Hearts One Purpose
Alpha Epsilon Phi was nationally founded on October 24th, 1909 at Barnard College. Our founding sisters developed ideas that every member has strived to live up to. The Phi Chi chapter of Alpha Epsilon Phi was colonized at the University of Delaware in 1989. Although we are a diverse group of women, we all share a common bond of sisterhood! AEPhi is built on the genuine friendships and unforgettable memories that each of our sisters is proud to be a part of. We are devoted to the community as well as participate in social events with other greek organizations on campus. Throughout the year the sisters of AEPhi dedicate themselves to selfless service holding events campus wide for Sharsheret and the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. As founders of UDance we adopted the event as our Local Philanthropy. We are eagerly anticipating formal recruitment and are looking forward to meeting all of you. We invite you to share the special bond that lasts a lifetime with AEPhi!