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Panhellenic Executive Board Application 2021

Link to Apply:

Eligibility Requirements:
- Anyone applying for a Panhellenic Executive Board position shall not concurrently hold an executive board position for her chapter - this means if you plan to be on your chapter's executive board this upcoming term, you are ineligible to serve on Panhellenic Exec.
- The positions of President and Vice President of Internal Recruitment have requirements for prior experience in order to be eligible to apply. Those requirements are listed on the position's section within this application.
- Must have at least a 2.2 GPA to serve as an officer for an RSO (per University Student Center policy).

Applications are due Friday, November 6th by 11:59pm.
Interviews will be held from November 13th to November 15th.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Tori Sedlock, or Amne,

Exec Board Information Session Recordings

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