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Chapter: Alpha Epsilon Phi- ΑΕΦ
Values: Exhibit high ideals and moral character, and continually exemplify the values of beauty, strength and wisdom as embodied by the three columns of our insignia
Philanthropies: Sharsheret and Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric
AIDS Foundation
Colors: Green and White
Founded at UD in: 1989
Chapter Website:
Chapter Instagram: @udaephi

Involvement: The sisters of Alpha Epsilon Phi's favorite fall event is the ribbons on the runway. This is a pageant type event where different teams create looks and walk down the runway! This event is hosted in October and the proceeds go to their philanthropy Sharsheret, which helps women with breast cancer. Another event that the AEPHI sisters love is their annual retreat. This is a day filled with bonding events, which really connects the sisters as an entire chapter. And the beloved paddle pass occurs at this event!

Sisterhood: The phams of AEPhi really define their sisterhood. Each phamily is extremely close, and loves showing off their custom sweatshirts with different patterns on the AEPhi letters. Even when sisters have graduated, every year they love coming back and seeing the newest addition to their lineage. The best pictures are the 7 person long chains starting from the gggbig going all the way down to the little.

Words from the Chapter President: "Joining the Phi Chi chapter here at UD was the best decision I could’ve made for myself. Going through recruitment, I never felt more comfortable and at home in a room than I did in AEPhi. Having the ability to be president for such an amazing group of women has allowed me to see firsthand how close knit our sisterhood truly is. I’ve gotten to see the real impact we have on our national philanthropies and how inspired our sisters are to be apart of such amazing organizations. All of the sisters of Alpha Epsilon Phi continue to strive to improve the community in which we are all apart of. AEPhi has brought me numerous opportunities to grow and has given me my best friends that I can’t wait to grow old with. I’m so grateful to be apart of such an amazing chapter and am so happy I get to call AEPhi my home."
-Alyssa Markowitz, Chapter President


"One of my favorite philanthropy events that we do is Ribbons on the Runway. Not only does this event bring our whole chapter together, but it also allows other chapters on campus to see why this event and our philanthropy is meaningful to us. This chapters philanthropy is special to me because it allows me to give back to people and help them out. Giving back is something that I’ve always cherished and now being able to do it in college with a bunch of other girls who also want to give back is very important to me. Our sisterhood is very important to us, to me it’s a second family. Our sisters will always be there for each other and will always make sure that each and everyone of us succeeds."
-Michelle Tartakovsky, VP Philanthropy

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